Official Campaign Statement: The Reason for Ending The Electoral College

“Selling The Drama”

The message of the People was spoken loud and clear in 2016… The System is BROKEN. It must change from WITHOUT. Hold your nose, here we go.

Because we were given, once again as it has been in so many past elections, the choice between the “lesser of two evils”. But BOTH candidates this time around were ‘evils’, none the less! With “encouragement” on one side, and the other side… an “elitist mentality” in charge of the execution of a political campaign, we have elected a TRUE catalyst of Change. Our in-fighting and distrust of our countrymen led us to elect a morally bankrupt President. It’s not a shock, because the runner-up was thoroughly vetted in 2008, and the voters decided then that her vote in favor of war in Iraq was a disqualifier for the Presidency.

IF we negate everything… the constant lies, the racism, the uncaring attitude toward those in need, the collusion, the criminal acts… the other candidate was still Hillary Clinton. Our system, as flawed and corrupt as it is, STILL produces the best candidates available, even if it is only the best from a small, stagnated political pool.

Karma knows no race, no creed, and no sex.

Hillary sealed her own fate when she tilted the playing field in her favor in the primary elections against Bernie Sanders. By removing the blindfold, by intentionally manipulating the system to her advantage, the more appropriate candidate for THAT period of time, was cheated out of his chance to defeat Donald Trump.

I have no doubt Bernie would have SMOKED Donald Trump in the debates.

Slowly, or maybe not as slowly as it seems, Republicans are realizing what Democrats knew all along… Donald Trump is not ‘Of the People’ as he claimed to be. He is not on the side of “Working Class” Americans. He is of the same “class” we voted against in 2012. The people who shun the “47%” of citizens who “sponge” off the system. The “power hungry” men with a binder full of sexual harassment lawsuits… and future targets.

I believe that, if given a CHOICE between the divisive, corrupted, self-indulgent political candidates from our PAST; or a “clean slate”… a genuine man ‘Of the People’, who possesses the characteristics ALL Americans believe a President should have, who has no corrupt financial agenda, who is presenting a SOLUTION to the societal division that has brought our Legislature to a STANDSTILL…

I believe The People will make the right choice. I believe the People are longing for a candidate who is “clean”. Untouched by a swamp filled with corrupt money burned to fuel ego and power, as well as corrupt money dedicated to subverting the truth. Obfuscating our unity. Belittling compassion as anti-American. I believe we are more united than we let on, because I am a Progressive from Kansas. PROOF that tolerance exists… I have not yet been kicked out!

And this same mindset of ‘funding the subversion of truth’ exists in our political discourse. BOTH sides believe the opposition is attempting to take away their rights! Our guns, our religion, our identity, and now children… where does THAT go? How does THAT EVOLVE? We allow these divisive ideas, these occult agendas, to spark our imaginations because we can plainly see, CLEARLY, the SYSTEM is NOT WORKING. Something is not functioning as it should when established, precedented LAW is publicly broken… and NOTHING happens.

A black man is shot dead in front of his young daughter… and NOTHING happens.

A black man is shot dead in his BACKYARD unarmed… and NOTHING happens.

An old white man promotes sexually violating a woman, and brags about it being acceptable… they let you do anything… and NOTHING happens.

When we start a war to defeat an organization that seeks to spread their ideology via terror, to keep ourselves and others safe from terrorism… BUT we start another war, with another country that has NO known ties to our current enemy, and The President says OUT LOUD, in front of a camera “I really don’t think about him(osama bin laden).”

… and NOTHING happens.

An old white lady tortures a Man for DAYS WITHOUT END, to justify the unjustifiable      … and NOTHING happens.

When all around us we see the details of devils profiting off of the sorrows of our friends and family, we suddenly see EVERYONE as the “devil”. IF no one is living within the rule of Law, then EVERYONE is the enemy… EXCEPT people on “my team”.

Now that the anger and lies have trained our sights inward, the last piece falls into place- “No one follows the Law.” “The other side wants to take away what’s left of my rights.” “I cannot trust anyone.” “EVEN IF their argument is the Truth and the answer, it MUST be corrupted and unlawful.”

Our Constitution provides the structure, within which our Rights EXIST. Without it, our Rights DO NOT EXIST. To disregard one is to throw away another. The ONLY truth is WITHIN the Constitution. The immovable rock ALL is built upon. Our faith in this Document is unwavering because it is our DUTY to defend it. The Law presents the method for our government to function, and when our government is functioning poorly the remedies are written within as well.

The “Checks and Balances” will correct! If they do not, then NO PROBLEM existed to begin with. IF there WAS a problem and the Law could not fix it, that would suggest fault with OUR system, and those who are suggesting legal subversion of the Constitution are just as TREASONOUS as those who colluded with the enemy…


Others… who don’t “look like me”, who don’t “speak like me”, who don’t “worship the same god”… who I cannot prove belong here.


I can discredit your arguments with ‘But IFs’ and ‘Whatabouts’ all day long, and we would go ’round and ’round, back to where we started. As our arguments have gone and come ’round full circle, we stand pointing a finger at “others”. “So he did it, that means I can, too.” “But why didn’t we investigate her? Why does she get away with obvious crimes?” “I’ve been wronged by society, by corrupt laws, so now I will manipulate Law to bring ‘justice’ for myself, as ‘others’ seem to be doing.”

If We want to change an unjust system, we MUST look forward to what CAN BE. If we legislate with our hearts focused on the PAST, we will fall back into the tainted cycle of the political pendulum.

Our problem is ‘dilution’. The power of the ballot box is extraordinary and can effect the destiny of every living being on this planet. Yet, it is “watered down” by the Electoral College. No matter the strength of support for, or opposition against a candidate, the outcome of our election is decided WEEKS AFTER the ballots are counted. And EVERY voter knows the Electors have the Liberty to choose whomever they “feel” should be president. We HOPE they do as the voters decide! We can only hope, though.

The fate of Nations decided on a cold day in December, behind closed doors, with little regard for the People who are effected most by the outcome, all firmly based on a “hope”.

That’s NOT a very Pride-inspiring description!

When We chose to take responsibility for the POWER of our vote. When We OWN the awesome power of Our Commander-In-Chief… a CITIZEN, from among ourselves, picked to be elevated as a representative of our Nation… we will see that “hope” vanish, to be replaced with JOYFUL HUMILITY!

100% Tax Payer Funded Elections

ONE CITIZEN=ONE VOTE Nationwide OPEN and SECURE voter empowerment

Debates focused on SOLUTIONS and IDEAS, not FUNDRAISING and DONORS

By taking PERSONAL RESPONSIBILITY for the POWER of Our Vote, we ensure that Right CANNOT be taken away from us. We ALL must understand the consequences for our carelessness, not to punish ourselves or others, but to LEARN from mistakes and GROW to be better than yesterday. Stronger tomorrow.

End The Electoral College!


Keep your head UP!!



A Scout is Brave.

WHY are you so angry? Process it. Root it out. WHY are we triggered to anger when we’re told “others” are coming to take our jobs, our safety, our LIVES.

One answer: we are all crazy. Seriously, the way mental health is portrayed in most people’s lives, as a personal weakness if you have to go to a shrink. Some of us walk around in our daily lives wondering if we can find the inner strength to make it through one more day, and somehow seem to struggle through. And all the while, passing on the street, people coming and going without a passing glance, souls who have seen horrors we could not even imagine existed… and not quite as strong as ourselves. And but for the random chance of a passing stranger’s caring glance, or the stray alley cat with one ear missing rubbing against a leg. Maybe, not so bad…

Another answer- we’re being manipulated. Not just straight lying. That’s too easy to spot. You have to convince people to change their views, or they won’t be deeply held. Make an emotional connection with people’s inner soul, what makes ’em tick. Gotta hit ’em right where they live. Something they can relate to, from their past. An ever present ‘us vs. them’ feeling, keeping you on edge and maybe lose some sleep.

BREAKING NEWS: ‘They’ are just over the border, off the coast of the State, coming in boats like landing craft on D-Day. Are YOU safe?? Watch the “buy my crap” news team, tonite!

How many generations are we talking about here? How many different ‘others’ have their been in the last 17 years… 40 years… 60, 80 years… All being fed fears of ‘us against them’, to the benefit of only those who profit from fear and hate. The people who profit from constructing walls. Who profit when we fear a someone and need to protect our something. So we RUSH RIGHT OUT and BUY a thing that will stop a them. Because we are designed to. Intentionally.

The science of mental health is successful because we have learned what makes the mind work the way it does. After all, it is a science. We know how to treat diseases of the mind because we find their origins, and follow the evolution of a mind from childhood to adulthood. In order to treat the disease successfully, we must know what causes it… This means we must know, necesarily, how to destroy a mind as well as how to heal it.

Through the scientific method, with determination the size of the American Spirit, anything is possible.

So, stop and attempt to understand the origin of your rage. If these groups of people are so dangerous and such a threat that we must spend millions to stop them, but they will keep coming, and more walls need to be built… People say we have to secure the borders to stop terrorists. Stop terrorists? From WITHOUT? I have two words to say to that- Timothy McVeigh. The people from abroad who seek to do our country harm are nothing compared to the homegrown version we cultivate currently. America First.

The natural emotional responses of the human mind are studied by commercial industries to sell brands. To make you remember who has the best fries in America. So you will remember what car maker is “going places”. To drill into your head what meat Bigfoot likes to eat. You should enjoy this meat product because you relate to some thing or person that situation and outcome…

Once we understand the triggers, the emotional response that is desired, and the action implied, we will see who stands on the side of The People. We have to come together and see we’re all on the same side of the street. We are all standing waiting for a bus, wishing for a better life for ourselves and our family, not wanting to be standing here waiting for the bus! We are all striving to be heard and being yelled down by someone who knows better than ourselves.

Alan Vargas at a March for Our Lives event. @TheAlanvargas


We are all just trying to make a buck and get closer to the goals we set in our lives.


We are all human, born imperfect and striving for perfection, and everyone should remember that, and show compassion because we’ve all been there, or will be someday…

This officer tased this suspect while he was submissive and attempting to comply.

What makes you mad? Why are you so mad that you could scream?

I promise the solution to this is SPEAKING OUT. Silence is what brought us here, and silence will bring us more of the same. Share ideas, share feelings, share the joy we find when we give a hand to others, and lend an ear to gain knowledge. No one grows as a person, through war. War breaks people down. War grinds strong people to dust slowly over decades. You wanna find answers on a spiritual level? Listen to the heartache of another human being and give emotional support. You might find answers to problems in your life by helping someone else with their’s.

…at least that’s how I see it.

Keep your head up!










The Breaking of a Moral Compass

During WWII, Americans were called upon to aid in the war effort. By sacrificing here, “The boys in Europe won’t go without!” When asked “What are YOU doing to fight the enemy?”, average Americans could point to their ‘Victory Garden’. That helps keep our boys fed ‘over there’! It made the war’s end seem achievable with a point of unity. Together, we can see this through. No doubt that helped win the war.

After September 11, 2001, the public ached from the sudden loss, just as at the beginning of WWII. As our anger and grief turned to concern and support for our troops in a new war, average Americans again asked what they could do to contribute to the effort, to bring closure to such a deep wound.

George W. Bush told us that we should continue our lives like before. Go buy a car. Spend money. The goal of the enemy is to disrupt your daily life. In essence… Go shopping or the Terrorists win.

THAT has improperly closed a MASSIVE wound in the Nation’s collective mindset. By the account of most observers, GWB had cute ‘mannerisms’, and that the go shopping statement was a kinda joke…. ha ha. But average Americans did as told. Having faith in the system of justice and our moral high ground seeming to be on secure footing, we did just as he asked, hoping that THIS might sooner bring an end to the pain we felt from that day’s loss.

A seemingly unending war on an idea. An idea being fought with ignorance. In order to secure ourselves, we must push away those who would only seek to help and strengthen your position. In order to fight this anger and hate, we must unite in anger and hate toward our enemy- An idea that fear and anger are the winners in a discussion of ideas.

… are you confused yet?

The enemies of Our Country are fighting this battle RIGHT NOW. The Russian attempt to influence US Elections was successful. They INFLUENCED Americans, motivated people to ACTION here in the USA, to go to demonstrations, and executed it all from OUTSIDE the US.

This was Round #1. They are ONLY getting started.

Most of us aren’t even AWARE there is a war going on.

To be Blunt for a moment…. All Americans consume a steady diet of news from an obviously deeply interested corporate media titan of one type or another. It is a fact, even if you were not fully aware of it. And no matter who you are, or what color your favorite Kool-Aid is, we ALL recognize ONE THING:

ALL of them are full of it.

Weather you consume yours with ‘red sauce’, or you prefer ‘blue sauce’, in the middle, under all that ‘sauce’… is still a big pile of it. But we are still not fully aware of the magnitude of the battle.

The problem is our bullshit is being compromised.

PROPOGANDA designed to invoke a feeling. Our enemy knows what makes us ‘tick’, and can be sneaky. There is a BATTLE going on on your smart phone, in your email box, and even on your Facebook page. You are in the crossfire everyday you participate in the virtual world. Every American, and every citizen on this planet who values free speech, is in a war.

“What can Americans do to help win the war? We Want to Help!”

This Battle will require us all to secure our individual identities. To make ourselves digitally secure. It also requires EVERYONE of us to become computer literate. To become masters of our own identities. Just as one would with a social security number and driver’s license, etc. Your virtual digital identity is even more important. So, the “Call to Arms” for the citizens of THIS moment is a simple one. The MOST EFFECTIVE WEAPON against the bad actor with bad intentions is still the same-

“Arm yourselves with KNOWLEDGE.”

Keep your head UP!!