Official Campaign Statement: Celebrating Our First Year and First Campaign Interview.

Even though May 15, 2018, is the signature date at the bottom of the political organization’s founding documents, the decision was made on February 17, 2018. In my HEART, that is the date I began this journey, regardless of the date the paperwork was filed.

As the official anniversary of the campaign approaches, I am excited to share a link to my FIRST CAMPAIGN INTERVIEW-

2020 Election: Meet the Candidates with Paul Duddridge


Despite the technical issues, we had a great conversation on several topics, including the border wall, campaign finance, the Equal Rights Amendment, and ending the Electoral College. Mr. Duddridge is an avid supporter of Trump’s policies and agenda, but it was good to see that COMMON SENCE is alive and well!

No matter where our opinions fall within the political paradigm, we ALL seem to agree on ONE THING- Remove the CORRUPTION in our elections, and the system will better serve THE PEOPLE.

For more information on press availability, or clarification on any specific issues I have not yet addressed, feel free to drop me a line and I will make every effort to address your concerns. As DONATIONS start to roll in, I plan on taking this show on the road! As dates and locations become available, I will post them HERE and also on Twitter. And, as always…

ANY help given is GREATLY appreciated!

Help me AMPLIFY my message! DONATE.

Author: jackcharbonneau

Husband, father, housewife, musician, theoretical astrophysicist, (FMR) Presidential Candidate in 2020, and all-around human guy.

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